寮國遭受了一些環境問題,其中最重要的是相關的森林砍伐。 擴大商業性開發的森林,計劃額外的水電設施,食品和傳統藥
物的野生動物和非木材森林產品的國外需求,以及不斷增長的人口將增加對森林的壓力。 砍伐森林,不僅摧毀了寶貴的森林
每年至少有15萬至16萬公頃,在20世紀80年代,但也造成了侵蝕 - 導致下游淤積水庫,航道和灌溉系統 - 降低地下水位。 輪
人均排放量10萬噸的碳排放量為與世界平均水平相比,人均為1.17噸。 此外,在第二次印度支那戰爭(1954至1975年),寮
寮國的損失,有積極性的努力,以禁止刀耕火種的種植在全國各地(見自然資源 CH 2)。 這一政策有重大影響的高地居民
的生計依賴於輪歇種植水稻。 傳統的鄉村生活模式依賴於森林產品作為食物儲備在多年的稻米收成不佳,作為一個普通的水
果和蔬菜來源。 然而,到了20世紀90年代,這些收集系統打破在許多領域。 20世紀80年代末以來,政府已成為制約清理林
地輪歇種植,並嘗試重新安置高地刀耕火種的農業村莊在低地的位置在那裡,水稻種植是可能的。 然而,無論是政府無能,
雖然沒有減少的環境規劃,調查和立法環境顯著改善的可能性,在不久的將來,一些法令發出鼓勵環保。 這些法令包括保護
類。 使用糞肥和堆肥鼓勵幫助振興土壤。 燃燒還鼓勵多種形式的森林生長。
政府對環境保護的承諾是肯定的憲法和政策尋找新的職業刀耕火種的修煉。 在1991年的農業和林業部建立了土地利用計劃,
根據國家森林資源保護和發展戰略。 該計劃儲備17.0萬公頃,其中森林保護9600000公頃,2.4萬公頃,野生動物保護區和國
家公園,以及5.0萬公頃用於生產。 然而,主要是在紙面上的承諾:到2000年,優先級最高的公園 - 南屯 - 將被淹沒水電站大
Laos-Environmental Problems and Policy(原文)
Laos suffers from a number of environmental problems, the most important of which are related to deforestation. Expanding commercial exploitation of the forests, plans for additional hydroelectric facilities, foreign demand for wild animals and nonwood forest products for food and traditional medicines, and a growing population put increasing pressure on the forests. Deforestation not only destroyed at least 150,000 to 160,000 hectares of valuable forest annually in the 1980s, but also caused erosion--leading to siltation of reservoirs, navigation channels, and irrigation systems downstream--and reduced groundwater levels. The practice of swidden cultivation not only contributes greatly to deforestation, but, in 1987, also made Laos one of eleven countries in the world that together were responsible for over 80 percent of net world carbon emissions amounting to a per capita emission of ten tons annually, compared with the world average of 1.17 tons per capita. Further, during the Second Indochina War (1954-75), Laos was heavily bombed and left with tons of unexploded ordnance and bomb craters that ultimately altered the local ecology.
The government's desire to preserve valuable hardwoods for commercial extraction and to protect the forest environment, as well as international concern about environmental degradation and the loss of many wildlife species unique to Laos, have motivated efforts to prohibit swidden cultivation throughout the country (see Natural Resources , ch. 2). This policy has a significant effect on the livelihoods of upland villagers dependent on swidden cultivation of rice. Traditional patterns of village livelihood relied on forest products as a food reserve during years of poor rice harvest and as a regular source of fruits and vegetables. By the 1990s, however, these gathering systems were breaking down in many areas. The government has restricted the clearing of forestland for swidden cropping since the late 1980s and is attempting to resettle upland swidden farming villages in lowland locations where paddy rice cultivation is possible. However, both the government's inability to ensure compliance with the measures and the attraction of Thai money for forest products inhibits implementation of the restrictions.
Although a lack of environmental planning, surveys, and legislation diminishes the likelihood of substantial improvement of the environment in the near future, a number of decrees were issued to encourage environmental protection. These decrees include general principles for protecting forestland; prohibitions on cutting certain tree species; regulations on hunting, fishing, and the use of fire during the dry season; and regulations on the management and protection of forestland, wildlife, and fish. The use of manure and compost encouraged to help rejuvenate soil. Burning also encourages many forms of forest growth.
The government's commitment to environmental protection is affirmed in the constitution and in its policy of finding new occupations for swidden cultivators. In 1991 the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry established a land use program under the National Forest Resource Conservation and Development Strategy. The program reserves 17.0 million hectares, including 9.6 million hectares for forest protection, 2.4 million hectares for wildlife reserves and national parks, and 5.0 million hectares for production.However, the commitment is mainly on paper: the highest priority park--Nam Theun--will be flooded by a hydroelectric dam by 2000.
出處連結: http://www.mongabay.com/history/laos/laos-environmental_problems_and_policy.html